Thursday, September 21, 2023

Why 12 EDT Driving Is Mandatory To Be A Pro Diver

All the new learner drivers who received their driving license permits on or after 4th April 2011 are subject to completing 12 one-hour driving sessions with some mandatory driving schedule. It is the rules of RSA (Road Safety Authority) to enhance the road safety of drivers. EDT (Essential Driver Training) candidates need to follow a logbook to keep records of this training. This training must be conducted under the Approved Driving Instructor (ADI). If you want to get trained in 12 EDT Driving lessons in Kildare, you can contact the best training centre in this area.

12 EDT Driving lessons Kildare

Why EDT is mandatory?

The Road Safety Authority aims to increase safety in the streets. EDT is part of the safety driving lessons. As a driver, you must be responsible for your life, the lives of the passengers and others. EDT is designed in this perspective. These driving sessions maximise your road safety knowledge and behaviour in the street effectively. Hence, it increases the confidence in driving on the streets, confirming the safety of all. By completing the EDT, you will build a strong foundation for driving for a better and safer movement.

What is Reduced EDT?

Reduced EDT is a programme of RSA which is mandatory training for the drivers who are coming from outside Ireland and currently hold a valid full car licence but have entered from other countries that do not have a license exchange agreement with Ireland. These drivers are allowed to pursue a 6-one-hour safety driving session called reduced EDT.

Let’s know the full EDT driving sessions and their compulsory training. They are listed below:

EDT Lesson 1: Car controls and safety checks

Car controls and safety checks are always mandatory parts of a driving lesson. The trainer gives the drivers car control sessions and will allow them to practice by themselves. You will learn how to brake, take a turn, control speed, and go backwards, parking and all. Car safety checks are mandatory fields for taking out a car on the highway. Among them checking the brake functionality, all the knobs, signal lights, headlights, and wheels come as the top priority. Learn from the ADI and clear your confusion. 

EDT Lesson 2: Correct positioning

Correct positioning of the car is the mandatory factor while driving a car. For your wrong approach, the others will face problems on the street. So, everybody should follow the same rules so that the hazards of the street and accidents can be reduced. The correct positioning of vehicles will cover:

  • Driving on a straight highway
  • Cornering the vehicle
  • Negotiating bends and junctions of the street
  • The way to change lanes (left and right)
  • Entering and exiting from slip roads
  • You will learn about entering and exiting junctions and roundabouts
  • Have to learn correct positioning within traffic lanes

Hence, it is mandatory to learn all these essential positioning of the vehicles on the highway.

EDT Lesson 3: Changing Direction

You will learn the way to change direction, the use of mirrors, guessing blind points during the turn, etc. So, this lesson trains you how to change direction safely. It is a mandatory factor for all drivers on the highway.

EDT Lesson 4: Progression Management

Progression Management is Progressive Steering management. Conventional steering system uses a constant speed ratio. On the contrary, progressive steering has an additional speed-dependent steering aid. Speed management has become easier today with the improved system of progressive steering management. This steering system significantly reduces the required effort for controlling a car during its move or parking. All these have been trained and you will learn the following:

  • Controlling speed during the move
  • Controlling too fast driving on the highway
  • Effects of road and weather conditions on increasing the speed
  • Maintaining the Speed limits when it is required
  • Knowing the stopping distances in different situations

EDT Lesson 5: Correct positioning (more complex situations)

When you are moving on the highway, you have to keep your vehicle in a perfect position so that other car does not collide with yours. The car’s perfect position is mandatory, during taking a turn; other vehicles are on the way, taking a turn when cars are on the same side, or parking in a safe position.

After the session, you will be eligible for the following:

  • Maintaining a distance from other vehicles consistently on the highway
  • Skill of appropriate road-sharing
  • How to park, reverse and turnabout in challenging situations

EDT Lesson 6: Anticipation and Reaction

Anticipation is one of the most fundamental factors for driving a car on the highway. You have to keep your conscience clear when you are driving. You have to learn how to anticipate and predict the probable ominous event to happen. Thus, the casualties can be controlled.

After the session, you will learn

  • Approaching Junctions and how to react to the situation
  • Reaction towards streets with parked cars
  • Anticipation and deception on the streets with substantial numbers of pedestrians
  • Reacting on roads with multiple warning signs
  • What to do when roads are poorly visible, such as bends with hill brows or tree covers

EDT Lesson 7: Sharing the Road

This lesson is dedicated to teaching how to share roads with other vehicles preventing the possibility of accidents. Road sharing with other vehicles is the most fundamental factor that you have to learn. While taking turns, moving on the single lane or double lane and many crucial road-sharing factors are taught in this session.

EDT Lesson 8: Driving Safely Through Traffic

When there is traffic on the highway, it is your skill to drive safely through it. The driving instructor of a top driving school guides you on how to achieve success. You may have the requirement of speeding your car. They will teach you how to move safely through the high traffic.

EDT Lesson 9: Changing Direction (More complex situations)

Changing direction causes severe issues in road safety. You need practical experience in changing directions to master the art. Previously on EDT Lesson 3, you have learned it, but this time you will get more complex study and practical experience in changing direction. Thus, you will be capable of controlling your car safely while changing direction without fearing any accident. It is a vital part of 12 EDT Driving lessons in Kildare. That is why; chancing direction has second time inclusion in the list.

EDT Lesson 10: Speed management

Speed control is the most crucial factor when you are on the highway. A lot of situations will increase the adrenalin in your blood and instigate you to increase the speed. However, you must be in the restriction of speed increasing. Speed is one of the most crucial factors for facing accidents. So, they will guide you on how to manage the speed of a vehicle in different situations.

EDT Lesson 11: Driving calmly

Throughout the EDT lesson 11, you need to drive confidently and independently by properly making your own decision. Your ADI will guide you on how to remain cool and calm in different street situations. You may be threatened, exasperated, or maybe in frustrating conditions, you must pay attention to your driving. Otherwise, you and your passengers will remain in danger. An ADI will train you how to acquire quality.

EDT Lesson 12: Night Driving

Yes, you may have to drive at night. The vision gets restricted and the street light may give you some awkward feeling when you are behind the wheel. Driving in the daylight and at night in artificial or no light is different. So, you have to practice it with the support of an ADI. They will guide and train you.

Therefore, EDT driving lessons will make you perfect and confident in coping with crucial road safety concerns. That is why; RSA has rightly planned the course to improve safety when you are on the road and behind the wheel. Do you want to pursue the course? Then, you can contact Driveline Driving School, the best driving training school in Kildare. To get refresher driving lessons in Kildare, you can contact them as well.

Location: Kildare, Ireland


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